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Expert vehicle valuations

A vehicle valuation confirms your vehicle’s current market value, which means you can confidently insure it for it’s true worth.

Our valuation services include:

  • Private motor vehicles
  • Vans
  • Utes
  • 4WD/SUVs 
  • Classic cars
  • Modified cars
  • Vintage cars
  • Caravans
  • Trailers
  • Motorbikes
  • Campervans
  • Small trucks 
  • Motorhomes
  • And more!

You might need an accurate vehicle valuation for:

  • Refinancing, using your vehicle as equity
  • Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) assessments
  • Fleet valuations
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) returns
  • Deceased Estate settlements
  • Stock depreciation

Vehicle owners, businesses, and insurance companies turn to New Zealand Vehicle Valuations when they need to:

  • Establish a vehicle’s value at time of purchase, so that accurate insurance cover can be arranged.
  • Confirm a vehicle’s value at the time of an accident, thus helping in the repair-versus-cash settlement decision.
  • Validate the increase of insurable value for vehicles that have been modified in some way.
  • Ensure an investment in classic vehicles is protected with appropriate levels of insurance cover.

We valued the entire vehicle fleet of a nation-wide plumbing company – vans, cars, trailers, trucks, the whole shebang. They needed a grand total to take to their insurance broker. It was policy renewal time. On the books, the fleet was listed at $1.5 million. The actual valuation was $1.2 million. Are they happy not to be paying premiums on an unnecessary $300k? Yes. Yes, they are.